Chegou a vez de falar da praia mais badalada da Ilha....
Essa praia localizada no bairro do Pilar, é durante alta estação o lugar mais movimentado e procurado pelos veranistas, o seu carnaval está entre os três mais animados de Pernambuco, em especial a terça-feira de carnaval dia em que o bloco das “catraias” sai as ruas, divertidíssima brincadeira, onde os homes se vestem de mulher para cair na folia. Além da apoteose do bloco das “catraias” o centro do Pilar também é palco de diversos eventos que acontecem na Ilha como shows e apresentações culturais durante todo o ano.
A praia do Pilar é sem dúvida um grande atrativo do bairro, sua beleza e simplicidade contribuem muito para isso, o mar calmo de águas verdes e mornas assim como as demais praias da Ilha, é um convite ao banho. Quando o nível do mar encontra-se baixo as piscinas naturais que se formam são irresistíveis.
O bairro também conta com restaurante self-service, Pizzarias, lanchonetes, e os barzinhos a beira-mar, para o que preferem apreciar as maravilhas regionais desfrutando da vista maravilhosa do mar.
Pilar Beach
Now to speak of the more urban beach of the island ...
This beach located in the district of Pilar, and during the high season is the busiest as it is much sought after by vacationers. The town’s carnival is one of the three busiest of Pernambuco, in particular on the Tuesday, when the bloco of "catraias" hits the streets. This can be hilarious, as it comprises of thousands of men dressed as women. Besides being the focus of the bloco of "catraias", the centre of Pilar also hosts various events that happen on the island throughout the year, such as concerts and cultural performances.
Pilar's Beach is undoubtedly a great attraction in the neighborhood, its beauty and simplicity contribute much to this, and the calm seas and warm waters (also found on the other beaches on the island) are an invitation to enjoy. At low tide, the natural swimming pools that form out on the reef are irresistible.
The neighborhood also has self-service restaurants, pizzerias and numerous beach bars, so while you sample the regional food, you can also enjoy the beautiful sea views.
This beach located in the district of Pilar, and during the high season is the busiest as it is much sought after by vacationers. The town’s carnival is one of the three busiest of Pernambuco, in particular on the Tuesday, when the bloco of "catraias" hits the streets. This can be hilarious, as it comprises of thousands of men dressed as women. Besides being the focus of the bloco of "catraias", the centre of Pilar also hosts various events that happen on the island throughout the year, such as concerts and cultural performances.
Pilar's Beach is undoubtedly a great attraction in the neighborhood, its beauty and simplicity contribute much to this, and the calm seas and warm waters (also found on the other beaches on the island) are an invitation to enjoy. At low tide, the natural swimming pools that form out on the reef are irresistible.
The neighborhood also has self-service restaurants, pizzerias and numerous beach bars, so while you sample the regional food, you can also enjoy the beautiful sea views.
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